The course is made up of 3 different blocks, spread over the following timeline with specific dates:
BLOCK 1: Online self-study modules:
4 March- 31 May 2024(3 months) (The course material on Neuroscience, Typical Child Development, Classification of CP, and the Bobath Concept will be available online over this 3-month period for participants to study in their own time. This will beinterspersed with some evening live Zoom tutorials where certain aspects can be clarified) No leave from work required for this section.
BLOCK 2: Live Zoom classrooms:
This block consists of different modules spread over different dates and will be in the form of virtual Zoom classrooms. It will cover movement analysis, a problem-solving approach to the treatment and management of individuals with CP, as well as relevant aspects of occupational therapy and speech therapy. These live online classes will be in the form of lectures, video recordings and group discussions) Note the different dates:
10-12 June 2024 (3 days), 15-17 July 2024 (3 days), 12-15 Aug 2024 (4 days) from 8am – 4 pm
Leave from work will be required for the dates above.
BLOCK 3: Practical / clinical modules: (on site)
23 September-11 October 2024 weekdays 8am – 4 pm (participants will be taught and practice handling and management and will do supervised clinical sessions assessing and treating children with cerebral palsy.
This practical face-to-face block will take place in KZN (Durban) and venue will be confirmed
Leave from work required for these 3 weeks.
To be confirmed
Durban , KZN