083 229 0456Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 4:00PM

Karien Marais

EDCOM representative on NEC / Chairperson

Karien Marais qualified as a Speech Therapist from University of Pretoria in 1991. She has worked in the field of paediatric neurodevelopment since 1992 and has a special interest in Speech production, feeding and Alternative communication.

She currently works as a Speech therapist at a Private practice in Pretoria.  Her work experience includes Schools for learners with Cerebral Palsy, School for learners with hearing impairment, University of Limpopo (Speech therapy department and private practise.

Karien completed her first NDT course in 1995. She started her tutor training in 1998. She has presented on the Basic, Intro and Advanced Baby courses since then.

Karien has completed numerous Advanced courses, Advanced Speech therapy course with Rona Alexander and Rina van der Walt, Baby courses and Advanced Physiotherapy course.

Additionally she has completed the following courses related to paediatric neurodevelopment

  • SOFFI (Supporting oral feeding in fragile infants)
  • SOS feeding course
  • Certified PROMPT Instructor