083 229 0456Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 4:00PM

Our Structure

National Executive Committee (NEC)

The SANDTA NEC represents all SANDTA members and therapists that have a special interest in Neurodevelopmental Therapy based on the Bobath concept. The SANDTA NEC consists of volunteers who abide by the rules and mandate of the SANDTA Constitution to ensure the running of the association.

Functions of the NEC

  • To keep a register of the names, addresses, training and qualifications of all members of the Association
  • To levy entrance and membership fees as approved by the Association
  • To keep books of the Association and to submit an annual report and financial statement to Association members at a general meeting
  • To conduct the financial transactions of the Association by means of a bank account
  • To do all such things possible as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the Association

Our National Executive Committee

Pam Gibbs


Zinette Cronje

Vice Chairperson & CPD Co-ordinator

Megan Campbell


Elisabeth Barry


Shelley Broughton

PRO & Marketing

Christelle Du Plessis

NEC Support

Faizah Toefy


Our Education Committee

The Education Committee of SANDTA offers post graduate training in the NDT approach (based on the Bobath Concept) to physiotherapists, speech therapists and occupational therapists.

Karien Marais

Chairperson & EDCOM representative on NEC

Dianne Zeller

Course Information & Documentation / Social Media & Advertising

Faizah Toefy


Lisa Rawstorne

Finances and Chairperson Elect

Our Branches

SANDTA supports four branches roughly distributed within our 9 provinces, to provide support and CPD opportunities to SANDTA members:

North Gauteng

Based in Pretoria, includes Limpopo, North West, and Mpumalanga

Chairperson: Christelle du Plessis 

Contact Branch

South Gauteng

Based in Johannesburg

Chairperson Megan Campbell

Contact Branch

Free State

Based in Bloemfontein

Chairperson: Antoinette Schutte

Western Cape

Based in Cape Town

Chairperson Tamar Koekemoer

Contact Branch

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