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SANDTA Courses

As an association, we have compiled a selection of courses to further grow our members’ knowledge and expertise. View the course overviews below and click the individual links to view the course profile. We have an amazing team of tutors, you can see more about them down below, too. 

Introductory Course

Clinical analysis, treatment & management of children with Cerebral Palsy

This is a SANDTA-certified course, which was developed by the SANDTA Education Sub-committee with the aim to provide therapists with introductory guidelines on the management of children with CP. 

Previously known as the Basic Course

Neurodevelopmental Therapy (NDT) Foundation Paediatric Course

This is a modular course and is based on the curriculum suggested by the European Bobath Tutors Association (EBTA) together with input from the Australian Bobath Neurodevelopmental Therapy Association (ABNDTA). It has been modified to meet local conditions

Advanced Level 1

This course is aimed at updating and refreshing knowledge and skills gained from a NDT Foundation Paediatric Course. The course is open to therapists who have completed their basic course more than five years ago, or have been out of the field of paediatric neurology for a while since completing the basic course. Any other NDT trained therapists who merely feel they need to refresh their skills and knowledge are welcome.

Online Refresher Course

This course is aimed at updating and refreshing knowledge and skills gained during the NDT Foundation Paediatric Course

Post-Foundation Courses

These courses are topic specific and the length is determined by the course leader. Examples of topics are: Early assessment and intervention (Baby Course); Facilitation; Focus on a specific classification of CP; Upper Extremity; Speech Production in children with CP; Visual problems in children with CP. etc.

Course Testimonials

  • Most practical course I have ever attended. Learning form Tutors that treat patient every day makes a big difference.

    Course Attendee
  • The course exceeded my expectations. Loved how practical it was. Thought it would be more stressful, but the supervisors were so helpful and supportive and the amount of assignments was just right.

    Course Attendee
  • Such a good foundation for Clinical reasoning , analysis and thinking

    Course Attendee
  • Being taught a new way of thinking gives so much more than acquiring a technique

    Course Attendee
  • Loved the co-treatment sessions, could l see how my discipline fits into the NDT approach and how the knowledge and skills flow when your clinical partner is ‘speaking the same language”

    Course Attendee
  • I have gained practical ideas on where to start when treating a child with CP.

    Course Attendee
  • Exceeded my expectations. Learnt so much more than I expected.

    Course Attendee
  • Thoroughly enjoyed the course- very good mix between theory and practical.

    Course Attendee
  • Practical sessions were most helpful. Viewing the application and practicing what we learnt.

    Course Attendee
  • Being able to hear the theory and see it applied and then getting the opportunity to use our newly gained skills in therapy really helped to consolidate my knowledge.

    Course Attendee
  • Having experienced Tutors’ input during the clinical was very valuable. Tutors “showing” and not only “telling” you how to do things.

    Course Attendee

Our Tutors

Karien Marais

Chairperson & EDCOM representative on NEC

Dianne Zeller

Course Information & Documentation / Social Media & Advertising

Faizah Toefy


Lisa Rawstorne

Finances and Chairperson Elect

SANDTA Tutor Pathway

The SANDTA EDCOM tutor training programme aims to develop tutors through mentorship, training, support and experience in teaching while fostering continued professional development. 

Are You:

–  A SANDTA member (HPCSA registered) that has completed the Foundation Course?

–  A PT, OT and ST working with children with Cerebral palsy (a minimum of 300 clinical hrs per year)?

–  A therapist with at least 5 years of work experience in your profession?

–  Committed to ongoing professional development and furthering your knowledge?

–  A therapist with teaching/mentoring experience?  (This will be beneficial but not essential)

If you may be interested in finding out more about the tutor pathway and on how to become a tutor & meet the criteria above, please send a short letter of motivation to EDCOM at sandta@internext.co.za

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